Friday, October 26, 2012

How soft skills can drive hard results ? Business Management Daily ...

The Wall Street Journal was facing a disruptive, but highly strategic, initiative. Joanne Lipman would be the executive to lead the charge, despite the fact that many of the senior staff and all the board members outranked her.

How did she keep everyone motivated and accountable throughout such a disruptive change?

?After I nagged them,? Lipman says, ?I made sure to shower them with love.?

Lipman ?loved? that everyone had their own ideas, all of which needed to be heard. She ?loved? piecing together all the priorities and personalities. She ?loved? giving credit to others, so they could all see the valuable work leading to the project?s success. And she ?loved? projects that involved building consensus.

Could all that love be for real?

Absolutely. Appreciating team members is one of the soft skills that can drive the hard results you want.

An outside consultant, who watched Lipman?s performance over the next several months, says, ?People really responded to her. She got more cooperation and a greater willingness to pitch in and solve problems. It was amazing.?

Lesson: Don?t underestimate the power of appreciation.

? Adapted from The Reinventors, Jason Jennings, The Penguin Group.

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