Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why Do I Write? Because? ? The Artist's Road

May 8, 2012

This thought exercise began over the weekend, as I was writing a guest post for another blog answering the question ?When do I write?? (It should run next week; I?ll provide a link at that time.) Just a few weeks ago, I wrote another guest post answering the question ?Where do I write??

I am grateful no one has asked me to write a post answering the question,?Why do I write??


Do I stall because the answers are too many? Or too unclear?

I?d like to invite you, The Artist Road readers, to answer that question for yourselves below. Feel free to leave more than one answer. In fact, come back if you think of a new one after you?ve left. And comment on others? answers as well.

I?ll be reaching out to some of you whose answers have inspired me to see if you?d like to write a guest post for The Artist?s Road.

Have at it!

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I'm a writer chronicling his commitment to living an art-committed life, which included a cross-country road trip meeting with creatives of all stripes. View all posts by Patrick Ross

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