Friday, November 2, 2012

Preparedness lessons from Superstorm Sandy

Before I write this post, I?d like to express my condolences to the people who have lost their lives and to the families who have lost loved ones, to the people who have lost everything they own, and to the people who have been displaced or devastated in one way or another by Superstorm Sandy. The storm was far reaching!

I caught an article this morning that exemplifies what most preparedness folks have tried to express over the years to encourage others to be more prepared. The full article link (from Yahoo! News) is here.

From the article there were some things I picked up on immediately, because these topics and comments are what ?we? preparedness folks teach or try to teach to just about anyone who will listen!

Some people look at us like we are crazy when we mention food storage, gas storage, etc., much less the effects of boredom, looting, and violence that will set-in after a major disaster; I have to wonder where their mindset is, but I will continue teaching and talking about preparedness to anyone that will listen!

New York is only 2 days into the aftermath of Sandy and I will use quotes from the article linked above:

?Even as power slowly returned to some pockets, a new headache emerged: Backup batteries and generators running cellphone towers were running out of juice. One out of every five towers was down, according to the Federal Communications Commission.?

My comment: Overloaded systems and inadequate back up plans.

?With many businesses and schools closed, people looked for ways to keep themselves entertained? family spent their time playing board games and sorting through photos.?

My comment: stock up on things to keep yourself entertained during power outages. Cards, board games, etc.

?It?s amazing how much you miss television.?

My comment: Wean yourself now.

??unemployed and relies on government help to feed her kids, so she didn?t have stockpiled food, water and other supplies.?

My comment: Millions of people are on some type of assistance (food especially) so use those dollars wisely and yes? stock up!

?For New Yorkers living in the vertical city, ??. Electricity is needed to pump water to upper floors. Many New Yorkers prepared for the storm by stocking up on bottled water. But without power, there?s no way to flush the toilet.?

My comment: Hygiene concerns that have been covered in many blogs I read daily.

?A dank odor mixed with the smell of rotting food lingered in the air?.. estimated he?d have to throw out thousands of dollars? worth of food.?

My comment: If the waste facilities are not operable where is all this rotting food going to go?

There have also been several reports of looting and nerves being riled at the gas stations which are operable. Some of the working gas stations are also running out of their supply of gas. Those tanks in the ground only hold so many gallons of gas.

And one last thought? as I looked at this picture, copied from the original article?. my mind said, ?This is why it?s important to have cash on hand!?

These issues are arising after only 2 days. I dread seeing the reports in another 2 days.

In the meantime, I?d like to challenge other bloggers to share stories you are reading and share your thoughts on your own blogs.

This storm is showing us all lessons and several of us are taking advantage of learning without having to go through the experience ourselves.

What have you learned so far?


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