Wednesday, July 25, 2012

University of Colorado Receives Suspicious Packages

Suspicious packages sent to University of Colorado

Officials at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical campus said two suspicious packages were found on the campus Monday, according to the Denver Post.

The packages were not found to be a threat to students or faculty, but the school still wanted to play it safe.

A spokeswoman for the university,?Jacque Montgomery, said,

?Because of the events of this past weekend we wanted to be sure of the safety of the campus and make sure that they were not a threat. We brought in local authorities to look at the situation, they did just that, and they viewed it to be no threat.?

One of the packages was sent to the university?s mail center, and the other was sent to a faculty member. Minor evacuations took place after the packages were received, but no classes were interrupted.

The university declined to comment on the contents of the packages, and said that it was a matter for the police. The university also issued a statement which read,

?When you have situations like this you sit back and review what you did, and ask did you handle this in the best way. And to our knowledge we did that to the best of our ability.

A sweep of the Anschutz Medical Campus was conducted over the weekend after the theater shooting in Aurora. The shooter in ?The Dark Knight Rises? killings was a graduate student at Anschutz and voluntarily left the program in June of this year. His access to university buildings?was terminated and he was in the process of completing withdrawal paperwork before the shooting took place.

Deputy Chief Doug Hayes said of the sweep,

?It went very well.?We just had to make sure that we rested the dogs because they can only do so much at one time. It?s a big campus and we had eight teams. We?ve covered everything.?

Officials at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus?extended their sympathies?to those affected by the shooting, and is making counselors available to students and faculty.


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