Saturday, August 11, 2012

Debbie Rowe on Jackson Kids' Co-Guardianship: All Good ... For Now

Debbie Rowe, the woman who gave birth to two of Michael Jackson's children, stating she supports the new guardianship situation, with one caveat:

She WILL intervene if things don't work out.

Rowe filed documents in L.A. County Superior Court saying she has reviewed and signed off on TJ and Katherine Jackson sharing responsibilities.

She'll be keeping her eye on it, however.

Former Mrs. Michael Jackson

Debbie Rowe warns that "Should the arrangement sought by TJ Jackson and Katherine Jackson become untenable, unstable, unsafe, or become in any way contrary to the [children's best interests], Ms. Rowe will seek court intervention."

Rowe claims her concern is for the health, safety and well-being of HER children; and says she will continue to ensure their needs are met.

TJ Jackson, the 34-year-old son of Tito Jackson, was appointed temporary co-guardian of Prince, Blanket and Paris Jackson after last month's fiasco.

When TJ first petitioned for guardianship, the judge said Debbie must be notified. That has clearly happened, and she is satisfied, for now.

It's unclear what recourse Debbie Rowe even has after relinquishing all custody to Michael Jackson years ago, but hopefully we won't have to find out.


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