Friday, August 31, 2012

Golf tournament to help provide nutritional support

By: Amy Wagner | Culpeper Star-Exponent

With a heart for children in need, a local woman has organized a golf tournament to provide nutritional support to children in the Culpeper area, who would normally go without, during the school year.

All golfers are encouraged to tee off at the Culpeper Country Club on Friday, Sept. 7 at 10 a.m. and participate in a silent auction that closes at 3 p.m.? A $75 registration fee includes 18 holes of golf, a cart and lunch and the benefits to area kids are immeasurable.

The idea evolved out of a similar project facilitated at a church in Haymarket. Jennifer Hulse, who calls her project the Power Pack Program, wanted to provide children from Culpeper with weekend meals so they wouldn?t go without.?

After presenting her idea to her pastor, Randy Orndorff, at Culpeper United Methodist Church, Hulse was directed to the Missions committee. Receiving their support, Hulse, who moved to Culpeper from Texas in 2006, ran with the idea and CUMC agreed to provide the home for her project.

Initially, the Power Pack Program will provide 12 students from Emerald Hill Elementary School with two breakfast, two lunch, and two dinner meals each weekend, including two snacks and beverages. These students are on the reduced meal plan and their families have reached out for extra assistance.

The packs will be distributed, discreetly, every Friday throughout the school year and provide 12 to 14 individual servings of non-perishable food items such as tuna, pasta, rice, cereal, pop tarts, and drinks.

CUMC is a drop off site [in the Narthex] for those who wish to donate non-perishable food items. Food items will be packed in large zip lock bags before they are taken to Emerald Hill for distribution where they will be inconspicuously placed into specific backpacks.? The first packs will be distributed the day of the tournament.

Hulse, a 32-year-old ER nurse, has big expectations for the Power Pack Program.

?This golf tournament is the first of many,? she said.

?After Thanksgiving break we are opening the program to other students,? said Hulse explaining that Emerald Hill has 200 kids that use the reduced meal plan which is why she chose to start with that school.

?And Emerald Hill is the smallest school of need in Culpeper,? Hulse said.?

The tournament registration fee is $75 per person, which includes 18 holes of golf, cart and lunch.

?The Power Pack Program receives only $17.40 of each registration so sponsors are very important. Hole sponsors are $100; cart sponsors are $200; event sponsors are $500 and all sponsorship money, which is tax deductible, goes directly to the Power Pack Program.

Sponsor banners will be placed at holes and on carts. Event sponsors will have signage at the registration table, which will be moved to silent auction table after the tournament starts. One event sponsor, Farm Credit and Country Mortgage, has already registered.

This year?s tournament is a better ball tournament with a shotgun start. Registration forms may be picked up at CUMC, beginning Sept. 5, and completed in advance though limited registration will be available at the tournament.?

Prizes, donated by Meadows Farm, will be awarded for closest to the hole and longest drive.?

A silent auction will begin at 10 a.m. and close at 3 p.m. with all proceeds going to the Power Pack Program. Gift baskets from local businesses, jewelry, photos and gift certificates to local restaurants, including It?s About Thyme, will be auction items.

Hulse, acknowledges that the Power Pack Program is initially serving as a test run and, after some tweaking, she said, ?It will be offered to other students, hopefully going county-wide in the future.?

Monetary donations can be made payable to CUMC with Power Pack Program denoted on the memo line.


Amy Wagner covers church news for the Star Exponent. Have a story idea? E-mail her at

Want to golf?

What: 2012 Power Pack Golf Tournament

When: Friday, Sep. 7. Registration begins at 9 a.m.; tournament at 10 a.m. Rain or Shine

Where: Culpeper Country Club? 2100 Country Club Road in Culpeper

Registration:? Forms can be picked up and filled out at Culpeper United Methodist Church or call 540-825-1296 to request a form.

Sponsorship:? Forms available at Culpeper United Methodist Church, 1233 Oaklawn Drive in Culpeper

For more information: contact Jennifer Hulse at 540-825-1296


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