Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Iran says 37 killed in earthquake in south

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? A 6.1 magnitude earthquake killed at least 37 and injured hundreds more in a sparsely populated area in southern Iran on Tuesday, Iranian officials said, adding that it did not damage a nuclear plant in the region.

The report said the earthquake struck the town of Kaki some 96 kilometers (60 miles) southeast of Bushehr, a town on the Persian Gulf that is home of Iran's first nuclear power plant, built with Russian help.

"No damage was done to Bushehr power plant," Bushehr provincial governor Fereidoun Hasanvand told state TV. He said 37 people had died so far and 850 were injured, including 100 who were hospitalized.

The plant's chief, Mahmoud Jafari, confirmed the site's condition to semi-official Mehr news agency, saying that it is resistant to earthquakes of up to magnitude eight.

Water and electricity were cut to many residents, said Ebrahim Darvishi, governor of the worst-hit district Shonbeh.

The UN's nuclear watchdog agency said on its website that it had been informed by Iran that there was no damage to the plant and no radioactive release and, based on its analysis of the earthquake, was not seeking additional information. The International Atomic Energy Agency statement indicated that it was satisfied there was little danger.

Shahpour Rostami, the deputy governor of Bushehr province, told state TV that rescue teams have been deployed to Shonbeh.

Three helicopters were sent to survey the damaged area before sunset, said Mohammad Mozaffar, the head of Iran's Red Crescent rescue department. He said damage was particularly bad in the village of Baghan.

Kaki resident Mondani Hosseini told The Associated Press that people had run out into the streets out of fear.

Dozens of aftershocks have been reported by the official IRNA news agency since the earthquake, which occurred at 16:22 local time, 11:58 GMT.

Iran announced three days of mourning.

The quake was felt across the Gulf in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, where workers were evacuated from high-rise buildings as a precaution.

Earlier on Sunday a lighter earthquake jolted the nearby area. Iran is located on seismic faults and it experiences frequent earthquakes.

In 2003, some 26,000 people were killed by a 6.6 magnitude quake that flattened the historic southeastern city of Bam.

In Russia, the head of the state agency responsible for the Bushehr project said the reactor was not producing fission by chain reaction when the tremor occurred.

"Personnel at the station are continuing to work in a normal regime, the radiation conditions are within the norms of natural background," Igor Mezenin was quoted as saying by the ITAR-Tass news agency.


AP writers George Jahn in Vienna and James Heintz in Moscow contributed to this report.


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Rhino horn DNA database introduced

A new DNA database is being set up to hold genetic information on all the rhinoceros horn in the UK in an attempt to stop its theft and trade.

It's probably not every day that a museum will get a couple of drill bits in the post accompanied by a polite request to bore a hole in one of their highly valuable exhibits.

But those holding rhino horn can expect just such a package in the next few months as the National Wildlife Crime Unit roles out its database.

"The illegal trade in endangered species is one of our six wildlife crime priorities and, within that, the number one issue for us is the illegal trade in rhino horn," says unit head Det Insp Nevin Hunter.

In Africa, white rhino numbers are rising.

But despite this, a rapid rise in the incidence of hunting means that, if present trends continue, it won't be long before the population begins to dwindle.

Poachers are driven by the high prices paid in China and Vietnam for rhino horn - strongly, but wrongly, believed to have powerful medicinal properties.

Stealing antique rhino horn kept in the UK can deliver similar profits with much lower risks.

Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

If we want to make inroads into the illegal trade in endangered species, DNA will certainly be the key tool to do that?

End Quote Ross McEwing, Trace

As one curator in East Anglia said to me: "Thieves fleeing from a county museum are unlikely to get shot."

In the past two years, there have been at least 20 criminal incidents involving rhino horn in the UK and it's not just old trophies at risk - live animals in zoos have been targeted.

PC Andy Long, a wildlife crime officer in Essex who advises Colchester Zoo on keeping its rhinos safe, says it is "highly-organised crime at an international level".

"They know how to obtain the horn and they know how to dispose of it - you can't just sell it on eBay," he says.

Some criminals also try to pass off freshly-poached specimens as antique.

'DIY skills'

The police say precise DNA knowledge will deter thieves, enable officers to secure more convictions and prevent smugglers making bogus claims.

It is part of an emerging effort to use the latest science to push back against smugglers and prevent them cloaking their crimes in the anonymity of their goods.

Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

The shavings of rhino horn contain cellular material that has DNA within it and it's this DNA we will look to isolate to build the individual profiles?

End Quote Dr Lucy Webster

Ross McEwing, from international forensics service Trace, says: "If we want to make inroads into the illegal trade in endangered species, DNA will certainly be the key tool to do that."

Dr Lucy Webster, who is co-ordinating the government-funded science from a lab outside Edinburgh, usually spends her time investigating DNA at wildlife crime scenes.

But she is now using genetic science as a preventative weapon.

"This is where your DIY skills come in handy," she says.

"We'll be providing museums with a kit with which to take the sample including a 5mm drill bit.

"The shavings of rhino horn contain cellular material that has DNA within it and it's this DNA we will look to isolate to build the individual profiles."

Zoos will be encouraged to gather cheek swabs or blood samples.

The precise technique will be left up to the keepers who know best how to get biological material from their potentially grumpy, two-tonne donor while giving least offence.

At Colchester Zoo, staff stroked Otto the rhino's ear, simultaneously calming the patient, bringing up a vein and slipping in a small syringe.

It didn't appear to interrupt his carrot and apple snack.

Costing the Earth will be shown on Tuesday at 15:30 BST and on Wednesday at 21:00 BST.


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How stepdads can avoid missteps

Apr. 8, 2013 ? As any stepdad can tell you, it's one thing to win a mom's heart and another to win over her children.

Although one-third of American children live in a stepfamily during part of their childhood, little is known about the development of the relationship between stepfathers and stepchildren.

New research from Brigham Young University fills that gap with a study that identified three factors that significantly contribute to closeness in stepfamilies:

  • The couple keeps arguments to a minimum
  • Mothers help children feel comfortable sharing their frustrations
  • The stepfather and mother agree on how to parent

BYU professor Kevin Shafer's research on stepfamilies appears in the academic journal Social Work.

"Family roles can be negotiated and there is going to be some bumpiness," said Shafer, who teaches and researches in BYU's School of Social Work. "The notion that couples should put the couple first and everything else will fall into place is false."

Shafer and BYU grad student Todd Jensen analyzed data from a nationally representative sample of 1,088 children in stepfamilies. From the children's perspective, frustrations occur when the new dad assumes too much parental authority or when he disrupts the family's normal way of doing things.

"Moms need to let their children know that it's ok to talk if they have a problem with their stepfather because everybody is still trying to figure out this new family dynamic," Shafer said.

And the lack of history between stepdads and children amplifies the detrimental effects of parental conflict.

"Full-blown arguments set up stepfamilies for failure," Shafer said.

Couples typically make one of two mistakes in the transition. The first type involves the couple acting as though nothing major has changed -- that the new father is a replacement instead of an addition. The second type of mistake is for mom to take upon herself all of the parenting.

The common thread in both scenarios is that the children's voices are missing.

"If you have teenagers, they should be a pretty active participant in discussions of what the family is going to look like and how the family is going to function," Shafer said.

The study contains one pleasant surprise: Communicating openly and avoiding arguments contributes to closeness regardless of family income or education level.

"It really is the interpersonal dynamic that predicts family closeness," Shafer said. "You can build these bonds in spite of financial challenges."

Jensen appears as a co-author on the paper and will receive a master's degree in social work from BYU this month.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Brigham Young University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. T. M. Jensen, K. Shafer. Stepfamily Functioning and Closeness: Children's Views on Second Marriages and Stepfather Relationships. Social Work, 2013; DOI: 10.1093/sw/swt007

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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BRUSSELS, April 8 (Reuters) - A French teenager who had hidden inside a garbage container was crushed to death inside a trash truck in Luxembourg on Saturday, police said. Garbage men only discovered the 17-year-old when he shouted out as they emptied the container into the back of the truck early on Saturday morning, but by then he was already in the grasp of the crushing mechanism. "He cried out, but it was already too late," a spokeswoman for Luxembourg police said on Monday. The young man, whose name was not released, died on the scene, in the city of Luxembourg. ...


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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Iraqi al Qaeda wing says Nusra Front is its Syria branch: SITE group

DUBAI (Reuters) - The Iraqi wing of al Qaeda announced that a rebel group at the forefront of the rebellion in Syria was its branch in that country and that both groups would operate under one name, according to the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group.

The leader of the Islamic State in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, said his group and Syria's al-Nusra Front - which has been blacklisted by the United States - would now jointly go under the name of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the SITE Intelligence Group reported.

The predominant Islamist element in the Syrian uprising has created concern for regional and Western powers and deepened the Shi'ite-Sunni divide in the Middle East.

The authenticity of the statement could not immediately be verified. If confirmed it is likely to further deepen the political dilemma facing those countries who oppose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but fear the rise of al Qaeda and Islamist militancy in Syria.

"It's now time to declare in front of the people of the Levant and (the) world that the al-Nusra Front is but an extension of the Islamic State of Iraq and part of it," the SITE monitoring service quoted Baghdadi as saying in an audio speech issued on jihadist forums on Monday.

Experts have long said that al-Nusra Front was receiving support from al Qaeda-linked insurgents in neighboring Iraq. The group has claimed responsibility for deadly bombings in Damascus and Aleppo, and its fighters have joined other rebel brigades in attacks on Assad's forces.

At least 70,000 people have been killed since protests led by Syria's Sunni Muslim majority broke out two years ago against Assad, who belongs to the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam.

The demonstrations were met with bullets, sparking a Sunni backlash and a mostly Islamist armed insurgency increasingly led by the al-Nusra Front.

The U.S. State Department in December designated the group a foreign terrorist organization.

(Reporting by Sami Aboudi; Editing by Pravin Char)


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